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  • Matt McTeague

How to Handle Life's Transitions

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

Life is in a constant state of change. Nothing ever remains the same. Some things can seem incomprehensible at times, strong enough to disrupt your concentration, causing you to feel anxiety, uncertainty, and even fear. At times like these, one can feel lost and weighed down under the anxiety of the unknown.

Types of life transitions

A life transition can be a significant loss that sharply alters your perspective about someone or something.

Most of the time, it's dramatic, even disastrous. It can result from a job loss, rejection, blackmail, accident, death, divorce, or terminal ailment.

Alternatively, you can see it as a challenge to overcome. It brings reflection in its wake, making you renew your inner self in quiet, sober contemplation that will bring on clarity.

However, a life transition doesn't have to be negative. It can also result from great, memorable experiences like marriage, starting college, and birthday surprises.

Why are life transitions difficult?

Everyone feels the need to achieve stability, to have things go smoothly without many bumps. And they're often unprepared for these marked changes.

The reality is more often than not far removed from this. And when the storms of challenge come rolling through, they experience great difficulty.

Here are some of the most common reasons:


All transitions are accompanied by change. Adjusting can be difficult. You may be unable to carry out certain activities as efficiently as is required, resulting in reduced productivity.

As you have to switch routines suddenly, there's bound to be initial inner rejection, causing inner strife, manual difficulty, or anxiety.

Unexpected transitions

Another way that life transitions can be greatly challenging is when they happen unexpectedly.

The sudden death of a loved one or loss of income source can throw you into a panic attack and signal a stark change from the norm. Other areas of your life are usually affected by the event's suddenness.

How to handle life transitions

As difficult as life transitions are, there are some assuring approaches to handling them for your benefit:


There's no telling when it comes, but one of the best ways to handle these difficult situations is to prepare for them long before they arrive.

It's not an easy task, given that the future is ever uncertain. But, mental and practical conditioning can help you bear the worst.

Be realistic

In life, you mustn't overextend yourself. Setting unrealistic goals can result in deep, bitter disappointments. In fact, the tension and exertion of focusing so much mental energy can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Recall self-talk

Recalling your thoughts and mental talk in times of serene soul and self-searching.

What can you do for yourself?

There's more focus on the negative sides to life transitions than the positives, making it something far from ideal or desired by most.

In such tough times, it's important to have the right people and knowledge to provide good guidance and encouragement. Get in touch with Matt MacTeague for assistance to help you find it within yourself to renew and heal.

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